Disclaimer: This post is not meant to create turmoil or arguments and definitely not create a political tiff because political is the last word to describe me. This is a post to look back on and remember the feelings I have about the healthcare bill. My feelings may change but today, this is how I feel.
The world is constantly changing. Even in my lifetime I have seen many changes. I grew up with a walkman and a gameboy and now 7 year olds have cell phones and ipads. In 1997 gas prices were approximately $1.40 and just last summer I spent over $4 a gallon. And sure, paying for those tanks of gas hurt, especially my pocket book, but it was a change that I had to deal with.
Today marks a time of change for healthcare. Some people are upset by the changes because, yes, it will most likely effect them financially. They feel as though the middle class, working American is being targeted to pay for healthcare for the poverty stricken. And I kind of understand. Just because some people are able to work and pay for their own health insurance doesn't mean they are so well endowed that they can pay for everyone else's, right?
It's easy to get caught up in me, me, me. How will this change effect me? But what about me? So instead of getting upset today, I'm choosing to be glad. I'm glad that I'm not in the financial bracket that can't afford insurance. I'm glad that even though it may cost me some extra tax money, I am able to pay my taxes. I'm thankful for a job that provides benefits when many can't find a job at all. And lastly all, I'm thankful for my health because I haven't had to deal with the over-bearing insurance companies that control our current healthcare system. Sure, the new healthcare bill probably won't benefit me much but I'm excited for the potential benefit of others.
And yes, I know, some people may just be lazy. They may take advantage of the system and float on by while we help pay for their care. But I can promise you that there are some people out there who genuinely need assistance and it makes me smile knowing that today is likely a day of joy for them.
Love and Happiness,