It seems that the whole country has become obsessed with the upcoming election. Everyone is so excited and inspired by their political beliefs, which is fine and good. But, in all honesty, I'm excited for it to be over. Twelve more days people. I think I'm going to make it.
See, it's not that I don't love our country. I do. And it's not that I don't have opinions about certain political things because I do, too. It's just that I have a high level of social anxiety.
It's true. My social anxiety plays a major role in lots of aspects of my life. See, I really enjoy people getting along and I'll do almost anything to avoid conflict. And if you haven't noticed by now, elections don't bring out the best in people. People who I view as mild mannered and polite are now attacking others like vicious dogs. People who are mostly honest are now spewing lies about a candidate, either one, because they've heard it on TV. It all makes me very uncomfortable.
Election season is a very stressful time for me. I don't really want to talk about details of the debate with everyone and their brother, especially when I didn't watch a single one. I don't want to hear all the rumors and lies about the candidates. I don't want to fall into the trap of putting all my hopes into one person's basket. And I really don't want strangers asking me who I'm voting for.
So, if you were to ask me if I'm excited about the election I would have to say yes. I'm excited for it to be over. I'm excited for all of the Romney/Ryan signs to be gone and those few Obama signs, too. I'm excited for the news networks to have something else to talk about. But mostly, I'm excited for people to return to their mild mannered ways and to be kind to one another again.
That's all this socially anxious girl wants... for people to be nice to one another, love one another and not let politics ruin relationships for the sake of a petty argument.
Love and Happiness,