"Eventually all the pieces fall into place....
until then, laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment, and know that everything
happens for a reason"

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An April Recap Since I Was Too Lazy To Write Any...

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I last posted anything! I'd say that it was because I've been too busy, had too many things going on or something important like that...but it just wouldn't be true. Life here has been pretty calm, pretty relaxing and pretty uneventful. And I'm pretty sure that's a blessing in itself. So today, since I have nothing else to do...I'm going to catch up on the month of April and all the fun we had in it!

April, of course, was my birthday month and we took an awesome trip to Whitefish to celebrate. That trip get's a post of it's own so keep an eye out.

The week after we got back from celebrating my birth, Paul had to go on an overnight work trip to Great Falls to do some bridge inspections with some other co-workers. Luckily, I got to go with and stay in the hotel for two nights and explore Great Falls while he was working. Since Helena doesn't have a mall, I spent an afternoon roaming stores, trying on clothes and buying a few new things for myself. And the best part was getting to spend time with Paul and eating Sonic. If you haven't figured it out by now, I really miss having Sonic less than a mile from my house.

Anyways, when we got back to town, we went to the circus. Random, I know, but I've always wanted to go. When I saw that a circus was coming to town, you'd think that I was 5 years old again. It was even on my bucket list of things to do...and now it's been done! It was awesome. There were tigers and elephants and little performing dogs. There were tightrope walkers, fire juggles and acrobats. And, of course, there were clowns. I don't like clowns. I think they're creepy. I just wanted you to know.

And just the other night we went to a local roller derby match. Paul and I got into roller derby way back when we went to Auburn. We loved it. It's the perfect combination of intensity, strategy and girl-on-girl brutality. Those girls are not afraid to take a hit...or give one for that matter. It's fun. You should go.

Well, that's a quick recap of April for Paul and I. Nothing special, really. Once skiing stopped, our weeks have been a little less exciting but we're having fun regardless.

Love and Happiness,

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