"Eventually all the pieces fall into place....
until then, laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment, and know that everything
happens for a reason"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

17 Reasons I Love Paul More This Week Than Last

There are times when I have renewed confidence in why I love my husband so much. The past few weeks have been full of events, or little things, that make me smile and silently think, "I'm so glad I married that man." I thought I'd share a few things Paul has unknowingly done recently to make me love him that much more.

  • He planned a yummy BBQ supper for me to come home to after work on Saturday.
  • While preparing said meal above, he accidentally created a Pyrex baking dish bomb that exploded into a million glass pieces all over our house. After said explosion, he then swept, mopped and vacuumed the house so that all all evidence was disposed of. 
  • After watching some of the gymnastics Olympic trials, he was inspired to attempt some gymnast moves onto our bed. Hilarious to say the least.
  • He then convinced me to try some gymnast moves myself. Embarrassed laughing then ensued. 
  • After a day of painting walls at work, he then went to the store with a wad of blue painters tape on his butt. He didn't realize it until he got home. 
  • Giving me the chance to wash paint off of unreachable body parts in the shower. Painting sure is a messy job. 
  • He gives me foot massages after long days at work.
  • He tickles me until I nearly pee my pants.
  • I sometimes wake up and he's holding my hand while he sleeps.
  • He turns on the Christmas tree in our bedroom when I've had a bad day. (Yes, we still have a fake tree up)
  • He kisses my forehead.
  • We try new recipes in the kitchen and laugh when we don't get it right.
  • He chooses time with me over working late.
  • He makes all the important phone calls because he understands my social anxiety
  • He pays the bills on time.
  • He surprises me with Caesar salads when we cook Italian
  • He praises my cooking even when it's not always great.
What I think makes our marriage special is that we never take ourselves too seriously, laugh a lot and take time to make each other feel loved. It doesn't always have to be a big, grand gesture because even the small things that make each other smile goes a long way. 

Love and Happiness,

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