"Eventually all the pieces fall into place....
until then, laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment, and know that everything
happens for a reason"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nature Is Healing To The Soul

I think everyone should go on camping trips. Go buy a tent, grab a couple sleeping bags and bring some marshmallows. Separate yourself from society. Put down your cell phone, maybe even turn it off, and take a look around. We live in a beautiful world. 

Bring a flashlight and make a fire because life outside of the cities we live in are wonderfully dark. Have conversations by moonlight and sleep underneath blankets of sparkling stars. Let yourself get back to the basics and appreciate a sunset and a sunrise. Immerse yourself in nature and all it has to offer us. A weekend in the woods is healing to the soul. 

I honestly believe it's true. We live in a world that is so driven by technology. Some, in my opinion, are held captive by it. Television shows dictate our evening plans and social media sites are constantly at our fingertips. Most everyone's phone has internet and there's an app for anything and everything you could ever want, let alone need. And as I sit here, writing and spending time on my computer, I'm added to the list of people who has let technology invade my life. 

I'm not saying it's horrible but I do think we should be careful not to let ourselves be entrapped in a life where we never look up from our phones; a life where we don't have conversations with someone sitting next to us because we're preoccupied with a game on our tablets. Turn the tv off, put your cell phone down, get off of Facebook and Twitter and take a drive into the country. Notice the blooming tulips, stop and stare at random wildlife, take walks by lake shores and do it with someone you love. 

Some of my best memories have been camping with Paul. In just those couple of days, we grow closer and we learn new things about each other. When all of the distractions of life are gone, you're left to spend uninterrupted, precious time with each other. And it's romantic, holding hands by a fire, late night strolls under the stars and cuddling for warmth in a sleeping bag. Camping trips are a good idea all around. 

With all of that said, Paul and I went on our first camping trip of the year.

Seriously, get out and enjoy nature. Go on a camping trip or spend the day at the park. It's summertime ! Let's enjoy it!

Love and Happiness,

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