"Eventually all the pieces fall into place....
until then, laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment, and know that everything
happens for a reason"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sweet Patients Say Sweet Things

Hospitals don't shut down. They don't close for the weekend. The concept of "paid holidays" exists in the sense  that if you work the holiday, you get paid. We don't just save lives Monday-Friday. It's a 24/7, 365 day system. 

With that said, on Saturday morning when most people were still asleep, I was walking in the dark towards the hospital entrance. Saturday was day 2 of 3. My entire weekend was spent at the hospital. The success of a weekend is mostly determined by the patients you have and hopefully the lack of any unexpected emergencies. This weekend was pretty good. 

First of all, I'd like to give credit to my wonderful co-workers. I don't know if I'd ever get through a 12 hour shift without the friends I've found in my fellow nurses. They are team players who are always willing to lend a hand, often without even being asked. I know they have my back if things get too deep, too fast. Most of all, we have fun together...which is so important when it's the weekend and you'd rather be almost anywhere else. 

Now, my patients this weekend covered a wide array of personalities. I had the mad at the world, don't talk to me patient. I had the old man who makes inappropriate comments patient. I had the pleasant but impatiently waiting on discharge patient. I had the going to meet Jesus soon, please make them comfortable patient. And last but definitely not least, I had the sweetest person you'll ever meet and I appreciate every little thing you do patient. A little all over the board, which is usual. I was just thankful I didn't have a I use bath salts and will become combative if provoked patient. (They exist, I've had one)

Anyways, all of these patients made for a good weekend. No major unexpected events, their families were wonderful and while busy, I still had time to sit down and occasionally take a break. (This definitely doesn't always happen.) What made my whole weekend was saying good bye to the sweetest person you'll ever meet and I appreciate every little thing you do patient. He hugged me so tight, kissed me on the cheek and thanked me relentlessly for the good work I'd done this weekend. I blushed as he went on and on but the sweet things he said about me touched my heart. "I love you like a grand-daughter" he said. 

Sometimes I question nursing as my career. I become a little defeated after weeks of physically and emotionally difficult patients. But patients like this sweet one remind me of why I chose nursing. And when I'm in the middle of a workweek full of I use bath salts and will become combative if provoked patients, I can think back on patients like him, who make it all worth it. 

Love and Happiness,

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